The World According to the United States of America | Alphadesigner Blog
I love where I live. I love the freedom and opportunities I have. But I don't like the closed mindedness that surrounds me on a daily basis.
I love where I live. I love the freedom and opportunities I have. But I don't like the closed mindedness that surrounds me on a daily basis.
very cool. "Angry Birds" is one of the many reasons I want a smart phone.
You can use the 's' and 'p' keys to add new seeds and peers to the swarm. Hitting 'r' will remove one of the seeds or peers at random, but it takes a few seconds before it activates, just like the original.
This visualization originally started off at but that site doesn't seem to be up anymore. Jeff Atwood updated it to work with more recent versions of Processing (notably the 1.0 release which is theoretically API-stable and compatible with future versions). Once I saw processing.js, I knew that I had to get this working in it.
Works in pretty much any modern browser, including IE9 (but not previous versions of IE, because they don't have support for the <canvas> tag).
Changes, if you're curious:
- processing.js was missing ArrayList.contains() so I implemented it
- processing.js didn't implement screenX() or screenY() so I had to calculate things manually with cos() and sin()
Are you curious how BitTorrents work? check this out.
This a very cool pic. It's cool to see how Bill Murray has with stood the hands of time.
Let's lighten the BP oil spill mood.
Posted via email from Duovr
Greenshot is a very nice light screen capture application. Try and out and tell me what you think.
If you enjoy exploring new music and exploring it in a cool way, definitely check this out.